Transform Your Life with Time Management Skills By: Casey Mueller

One time or another, everyone has felt the overwhelming and paralyzing feeling of stress. Some people believe stress is a choice. While I don’t believe stress is a conscious choice, I believe it can be manageable with the right strategies and perspectives. 

As a 4th year college student, I am juggling many things at once and sometimes it is hard to determine what is more of a priority than others if they are all commitments I have made to myself and other people. 

I’ve found that by creating categories within my to-do list, it can help me organize my thoughts. My categories are along the lines of:

  • School

  • Extracurricular

  • Professional

  • Family

  • Friends

  • Me

Three of these categories always include things with hard deadlines while the latter three include things I need to do to feel balanced in life which are just as important to me. Another reason I enjoy to-do lists is because of the rewarding feelings I get by checking something off. Creating that visual of marked boxes provides you with a new perspective of how much is getting accomplished. 

When it comes to large tasks, I have found it is helpful to break it down into multiple smaller tasks that can be spread out over a period of time. This eliminates the dreadful feeling of sitting down to do an entire task in one sitting. I have also learned that you’re only hurting yourself by not completing the things you need to do – which then creates more stress and prohibits you from doing enjoyable things. 

“If you do the things you need to do when you need to do them, then someday you can do the things you want to do when you want to do them.”

I have never been a morning person, but this semester I have two 8:30 classes which forces me to get my day started earlier than I would prefer. These 2 days that I wake up much earlier have shown to be my most productive days. By attending all my classes in the first part of the day and having undistracted time to work on tasks, I then have the rest of my day to do the things I enjoy. This is also a good idea to implement to ease your transition into the working world post-grad. 

You are in more control of your time than you think. Managing your time well can make all the difference in your life professionally, academically, and personally. 

Hot Take - Thanksgiving is the Coolest Holiday By: Claire Fink 

  1. “We’re just gonna watch football, drink beer, and then we’re going to Best Buy later for Black Friday.” - New Girl, 2011.

  • This is one of my favorite New Girl Quotes there is. There is something about the simplicity of Thanksgiving that strikes me as nothing short of pure. This holiday can be spent with a beer in hand, staring out the window looking at the leaves with football on in the background, or mobbing the mall with your family for black Friday at midnight; but the catch is WHO you are spending this day with that makes it so meaningful. I consider Thanksgiving to be the one day of the year where the world just pauses. The stress of work, school, family, and life all pause and come to a complete stop. It is a day dedicated to opening your mind and heart up to appreciating who you spend your time with and why you choose to. Give me a beer, a football that I will probably throw incorrectly, some good mash potatoes, all of my cousins, aunts and uncles, grandparents, siblings, parents, and my dog; and I would never need anything more. 

  1. "Once, there was this day where everybody seemed to know they needed each other... This one day when they knew for certain they couldn't do it alone." - Pieces of April, 2003.

  • If you can’t already tell, I am a quote junkie and this is another one of my favorites. I would argue that you cannot do anything alone. Our primary motives can benefit us as individuals, but the long term motives are typically for the greater good even though we do not realize it. Looking at some of your greatest successes, would you have been able to achieve them if you had ZERO support from the people around you? My personal answer is absolutely not. I am an individual through and through, but I lean on my family and my friends to enable myself to be the individual that I am. This day, Thanksgiving, is when you realize how much you lean on those around you. You realize how much you need others to be you. You realize that you cannot do it alone! 

An ode to Thanksgiving being the coolest holiday: consisting of coffee, November, friends, family, cooler air, pausing the world, and some good 90s grunge music.

Finding Comfort In The Thought Of An Unpredictable Future By: Grace Rempel

I can’t say that I have ever found it exciting to grow up or change. I have always been a fan of simple days with a predictable schedule. When I was a Freshman, I felt safe knowing that I had four long years ahead of me. Here I am getting as close as you can be to the finish line. I don’t ever want to think about life outside of this familiar environment. Why does it go by so fast? For some, it is a joyful feeling to think about starting a new and independent life. For others, like myself, it is beyond overwhelming. Whenever I think about the future, my mind wants to continue to take me further in time and predict every decade of my life to come. “Live in the moment” is something every one of us has heard, yet never really stops us from thinking about when the moment is over. There is no answer to uncomfortable feelings, because life isn't that easy. In the long run, we feel the best when we make these life changes, but getting to that point is the hardest part. Without a doubt, the most comfortable feeling is knowing that I am not going through this alone. Every single one of my friends, peers, teachers, family, is going to enter a new chapter of their lives at one point or another. I am extremely grateful to be able to do this with some of my closest friends. Find one thing about each moment that makes you smile. It is unrealistic for me to tell everyone that the thought of the future SHOULD be comforting, but what we do leading up to what's yet to come is how we can maintain our peace. Keep those who bring you happiness close to you because if one thing is certain, they will only contribute positivity to your next chapter. 

Top 10 Things I’m Grateful for This Semester By: Kelly Greiner

In honor of the last blog posts before Thanksgiving break, thought I’d take a moment to share my semester top 10, in no particular order(hope you relate to some):

1. Dogs in Oxford 

  • I miss my dog every day. I’d say it’s my Roman Empire (it was super hard for me to choose just a few photos to send Madelyn for "Dog of the Week"). So grateful for the random house of Sig Pi’s across the street that let Hailey and I steal their dog for walks all the time. Scooby<3.

2. Espresso Martinis 

  • Wanna feel classy drinking in Uptown Oxford(aka OxVegas), near impossible. I’m grateful for OPub for letting college students take over and spill their expensive cocktails everywhere.

3. Film Photos 

  • Shout out Kodak Mads and Hailey Baker for taking sick pictures on their cameras. Grateful for the film aesthetic making for bomb Insta feeds.

4. Roommates/Neighbors

  • I love my friends and I love being able to wake up to their pretty faces every morning. Grateful for the ongoing thievery between Island Time and the boys across the street, thanks for making college feel like middle school again. 

5. Fire Pits

  • One word. WHOLESOME. Grateful for s’mores cause like who wouldn’t be?

6. Farmer Salads

  • If you’re not a farmer student, this still applies to you. Go to Dividends in Farmer and get yo self a salad. Grateful for farmer salads making my worst days better. 

7. Eyebrow Gel 

  • I could club at Brick all night and Katie Salyer’s Anastasia Eyebrow Gel will hold those bad boys in place through it all. Yes, brick is a club. Grateful that I can maintain that laminated loooook. 

8. Flowers 

  • For boyfriends reading this flowers are so pretty and cool… Nah but for real, keeping flowers in your room boosts serotonin(a study done by me). Grateful for Theta’s “Build a Bouquet” sisterhood event. Fire idea. 

9. Amazon Prime 

  • Not really sure how they do the overnight thing but I’m here for it. Santa's Workshop type beat. Grateful I’ll have a dress for Semi that I literally ordered a couple of hours before I wrote this.

10. Trucker Hats, Headbands, Bows

  • Some love for 2023’s trendy head accessories. 3 options for 3 vibes. Frat boy, sporty cute, girly pop. Choose your character. I’m grateful for the variety, but if you know me I’m usually rocking the snap back. 

It’s almost Thanksgiving and the semester is coming to a close, what are you grateful for? 

Grateful for all of you. With love, 


An Ode to My Other Half By: Abby Goia

Growing up I always had someone to do everything with. Me and my sister shared a room for over twelve years and I remember being so excited to finally get my own room. But, now looking back, those were some of the best years of my life and I am so grateful for the constant sleepovers. Our beds were set up so our toes basically touched and I remember when she tried to go to sleep and I wasn't done talking, I would be able to pull her blankets off without even needing to get up. We would “text” on our pink and purple Nintendo DS’s and fake sleep when our mom came to check on us. Everything I owned was purple and everything of hers was pink, it's just how it worked. I used to always be the shy sister, and she was the loud one. Before bed every night we would have “comeback class” where she taught me how to stick up for myself. However, I now realized that I never needed to do that, because I was never alone. She was my number one supporter, my backbone, my rock. 

We went to the same school for all our life, beginning at preschool and now at the end of her college experience. I was always two years behind but still we were always together. We both took ice skating lessons but she was two levels ahead of me, so naturally I had to skip and not tell anyone. Although I was the worst in the group, I was with Anna so it’s all that mattered. I remember when making my college decision, I was so scared to also come to Miami as I was scared people would think I'm following in her shadow. I had always been known as “Anna's little sister”, and I was so scared it would follow to college. Although it certainly has stuck, it is something I have learned to appreciate, because I am so grateful to be her little sister. I now look back and I know this was the best decision I have ever made. I definitely was not just following her but I saw how much this school has positively impacted her life, and I knew I needed to experience it as well. She is my biggest inspiration, and has taught me everything I know now. I am eternally grateful to have had her at the same college as me; 400 miles from our house but still a part of my home here. 

When I was going through a hard time, Anna was the one constant in my life and I knew that would never change. She truly is my best friend and I don’t know what I would do without her. It’s sad to know that our time here is coming to an end in just a few months, but I know I will be rooting her on at her big girl job just a few hours away.

Annie banana you are the strongest, brightest, most compassionate person I know and I know you are going to be the most successful person. You put your all into everything you do, and I know that is going to pay off. I am so proud of you, and everything you have accomplished these past four years. Everything I do is because of you. I love you x100 and more. 

Thank you for being my other half, my twin, my rock, support system, entertainment and so much more. You have and always will be my best friend. Here's to a lifetime of more memories and so much more. I love you so much. 


Missing Home? Maybe This Will Help By: Kirsten Osteboe

As I sit on a plane headed back to Oxford after a much needed weekend at home I’m feeling a lot. Leaving home has yet to get easier, no matter how excited I am to get back to campus and see my amazing friends and jump back into the Oxford action. Maybe you’re the same way, stuck with that bittersweet feeling of hugging your sibling, parent, or dog that you won’t get to hug for a hot minute. If not, you might have days on campus (probably Sundays when you’re fighting  demons from the weekend) where you want nothing more than to be home or to be with family. On those days I live for a good FaceTime which may end up being over an hour, pushing back your homework and studying time, but thats okay because its you taking your wellness as a priority. Still, it sucks ass to be homesick and not be able to do much about it. But, I do have a few suggestions that can help:  

  • Spend time with your comfort person/s, those people who charge you up just by being around them. You might find yourself laughing and feeling that homesickness fleeting. Or maybe you’ll even feel at home. 

  • Look through your photos and videos for memories and laughs with those you’re missing. This will help you find joy, and solace in being separated. 

  • Look at when you go home next, or maybe even plan a trip home. It could help you not feel so far away, give you something to look forward to, or make you realize its not too long until you’re seeing your family again. 

  • Its wellness week this week, and there are so many great activities you can do to take care of yourself, maybe while you’re on your walk, getting your nails done, or doing any other wellness activity, call home. 

  • Make your mom or dads signature dish that reminds you of home, the added bonus is it gives you a reason to call home and ask for the recipe. 

Its so easy to get sucked into Oxford and when you find it feeling too small, call home. It can be the most therapeutic, rejuvenating, and necessary thing. I don’t however recommend listening to the Noah Kahan song “Call your Mom” because that will destroy you emotionally. As always, your feelings are so valid, homesickness is a part of life and there’s no surefire way of getting rid of it. Your home can be a place and/or a person and missing it can make you feel so alone and pull you away from your day-to-day. Do what you need to take care of yourself and to feel that sadness, loneliness, or any other negative feeling fade away. Love you all, have the best week!!

All Good Things Take Time By: Clare Carlson

As many of you may know, I didn't have the most splendid first semester of college. I came into it not knowing a single person, in fact I was the only person from my state to attend in over ten years. It was brutal. I was watching all my best friends from home flourish at a school they all chose to go to, and I was the black swan out in this town called Oxford, Ohio which I absolutely hated. It sucked. It felt like all I could do was go to a bar to meet people who didn't really want to know me. I called my parents every day and couldn't wait to go home to South Dakota. I tracked it down to the very second. When I went home for fall break, it felt like I was truly happy again. But coming back was the lowest point in my life, I cried for a week. I remember walking around campus with tears in my eyes just wishing I actually would like school. 

By the time I got back it hit me that there was no way I was going to give up and that I would have to adjust and try to make it a home away from home. From camping trips in hueston woods (i cannot believe I am admitting to this), hockey games, working out, and going to Hamilton for nails. That's what got me through the first semester. At the end of j term I had just gone through a breakup and was beyond ready to leave home. Rush began, and I actually found it fun? I remember walking into Theta for the very first time and thinking...these girls are fun. Every round I was invited back, I was ecstatic. Things were starting to work out for me.  On bid day I opened my card to Kappa Alpha Theta, it was the most I had been excited in a solid 6 months. 

Spring semester brought the best family I could have ever imagined, events to actually look forward to, new friends, and finding out I got to room with the same roommate again. Returning to school this August was exciting. I had always heard how fun it is to live in the sorority dorms but didn't really know what that meant. 

Flash forward to October: I went to Apple Tree just to feel some fall vibes. I noticed a cute woven Miami keychain for my keys and I bought it. A full circle moment. A year ago I could barely go to class without crying & could never imagine wanting to represent my school and now I am buying a keychain because I love school so much. My mom would tell me during the first semester, “all good things take time.” It brings a smile to my face, because she's right. 

I want to say thank you to every person in Theta that I have come into contact with. Every single girl in this sophomore class will forever hold a special place in my heart. Whether it's sitting in the hallway floor for scratchies, hearing Abby Gioas laugh from 6 rooms down, exchanging clothes, cosplaying with Bella Compres, memeing puddle pull, studying as a group or just looking for a friend to talk to. I love you all.


a happy sophomore

Clare Carlson

The Perfect Balance By: Raina Makkar

Balance. Balance. Balance. Since coming to college, people keep emphasizing the importance of finding a balance between a hectic school schedule and managing a social life. But that is easier said than done. It is so easy to get in the go, go, go mentality without taking a second to stop and think about what your mind and body needs. Since living in the dorms with all my friends, there is always something going on, making it easy to forget to slow down and take a break. Especially with a demanding major, I feel like I'm not allowed to take a day off, as there is always something else I could or should be doing. My mom has always told me “Work hard. Play hard,” and that is a motto I live by. College is a once in a lifetime opportunity to embrace being young and living with all your best friends in one place, but it is also your chance to get an education that will set the future of your life in motion. With that being said, there are so many factors in play at one time, and I know how stressful it can be to manage your expectations for yourself. 

Some things I have learned to help find that perfect balance:

Take a nap. It’s okay to listen to your body. There’s times where I can barely keep my eyes open, but I tell myself I can’t afford to take a nap because I have so much to do. The work I end up doing is half of what it could be if I just let my mind take a break and close my eyes for a little. It is so easy to get sick in college, mostly because there are 50 billion germs everywhere, but another reason is not taking care of yourself properly. I know it is hard to get a full ten hours of sleep every night, so letting yourself take a nap when you need it is a solid way to replenish your energy. 

EAT. Sometimes in the midst of a chaotic schedule, I forget to eat. Even though I love food, I often do not prioritize eating on the list of all the other billion things I need to get done for the day. Especially on busier days, I used to find myself coming back from being at class all day and start getting ready to go out right away, completely forgetting to eat a bite of food. Food solves a lot of life’s problems, and although I know finding yummy food is hard in Oxford, taking time out of your day to eat when you’re hungry is definitely worth it. 

Move your body. Whenever I feel overwhelmed with schoolwork and having a busy schedule, I notice that taking a break and going to the gym or going on a walk helps relieve my stress. Sitting all day in class and studying does not allow much time for you to be active, so taking time to exercise for a few minutes every now and then is a good way to release endorphins and manage stress. 

Have fun. Obviously school is very important and you should prioritize doing well academically. But it is okay to take a night off or put your work off to go out and have a fun night with all of your friends. Burnout is real, especially with rigorous classes, so taking time to enjoy yourself will help ease anxious and overwhelmed feelings. On the other hand, sometimes it’s okay to stay home for the night when everyone else is not. Listen to your body. If you're feeling overworked and exhausted, it may be beneficial to stay in instead of forcing yourself to go out and match everyone else's energy.

Finding the perfect balance is hard. Just remember that you are all so amazing and loved!!

How Luck Happens By: Claire Fink

Whether you are searching for a job, an internship, an answer to a question you are unsure of, or just worried about the big decisions you are making now; there is a lot of uncertainty but I can promise you that we all have a path.

In high school, my Dad recommended a book to me called “How Luck Happens”. While reading this book, I learned that luck is the combination of chance, talent, and hard work. Luck does not choose people, we get to choose luck, and we actually have more control over it than we think we do. 

If someone were to pose the question, “Do you consider yourself lucky?” What would you say? I initially jumped to thinking about everything I am grateful for and said yes, but then the devil on my shoulder led me to think about the times in my life that have just been unlucky. Although 33% of luck is chance, the other 66% is not. 

Luck and fate are not about control. These 2 key aspects that play a focal role in our futures are actually determined by our characters and how we act everyday; who we are all the time. 

Talent is built off of hard work and hard work is a choice! When it comes to applying for jobs and internships, you always have a choice- and more importantly where you start does not HAVE to be where you end up. This is something that I am specifically struggling with right now because I am trying to set up the “ideal post grad life” in which I am running a record label, working for Spotify, or a big company in Chicago. Just because these are my dreams, does not mean I have to overlook them, but it does mean that I don’t have to start there to get there- and neither do you. 

A few things I have found helpful in this process of coaching myself to be more definitive in decision making is to be honest with myself about what I am good at and what I am not. This might be the business major in me talking, but SWOT yourself. What are your strengths, weaknesses, what opportunities are you seeking, and what are the threats standing in the way. 

I was recently under stress making a decision on whether or not I wanted to join club swimming as a senior. I went to 2 practices and had the time of my life, but I was on the fence about joining.  I love this sport more than anything (outside of friends and family of course), but I honestly just miss the racing, the excitement, the coaching aspect (everything that swimming in high school gave me).  I miss everything about the sport that gives me thrill. I went old fashioned and made a pros and cons list. How can I set myself up to be the best I can be? Answer: Work Hard. The past 3 years that I have not been competitively swimming, I have been challenging myself everyday without a coach. I have learned to coach myself, but I began to seek and desire the need for a coach. I always seek constructive criticism, but maybe I have outgrown it and found something in the sport I never expected to. I found inner drive and strength I didn’t know I had. I would have never found this if I would have continued to competitively swim. Although I do miss racing, thrill, and laughing with friends in the lanes during practice; I was shocked with the outcome that came as a result of hard work. I thrive off of pushing myself knowing that no one is watching me- I wouldn’t get this if I join club swimming. Although I do miss what I used to have, I found something I did not expect that I am not willing to give up.

In every job you apply to, internship you are interviewing for, or big decision you are on the fence about making- there truly is not a wrong turn. It is all about your path. I can guarantee that you will discover new things about yourself and others that you never would have if you never tried. 

Cheers to making luck happen for yourself, and cheers to not looking back once you do. 

Living With the Seasons By: Claire Folkins

With the colder weather coming around the corner, I have been thinking about what I should be adjusting about my schedule and habits to be more in tune with the earth and the new season. My sister is always talking to me about how to live with the seasons and I wanted to share that with you guys. I know this is going to all sound very hippie dippie but I swear connecting with the earth always makes me feel so much happier and healthier. 

It is so important for our bodies to be in sync with the earth because her energy is so healing. Sometimes I feel like everyone is focusing on that “go go go” mentality - trying to do everything I possibly can in one day. But that is not what our bodies are made for. We are made to live with the cycles of nature. I want to explain the main energy of each season and then give specific things I want to do this fall to help me align with the earth and her energy. 

Spring is a time for rebirth, cleaning, planning, and setting intentions. I have found that I am much more successful with goals I set in March and April then those I set for myself on January 1. Summer is a very active season. The days are long and we naturally have more energy to get things done. Winter is a time for resting, recharging, and really aligning with who we want to be in the new year. Finally, autumn is a transition from the outward energy of summer to a more inward energy. We should start slowing down and reflecting on all that we have accomplished. We don’t expect the flowers to be constantly blooming, and we shouldn’t expect that from ourselves either. We all need time to reflect and rest so that we can go into the next season with more energy and productivity. Here are some things I am focusing on doing more of this fall: 

  • Getting outside! Finally we are no longer running from the heat of summer. I want to take advantage of this crisp, cool, weather that makes me feel so refreshed. It won’t be long before it's so cold and I dread my walks to class, so I’m getting outside and taking walks as much as possible in October. 

  •  Prioritizing my sleep. As the days are getting shorter, it is so important that we are listening to our bodies and resting when they tell us it’s time to rest. It’s hard to say “rise and go to bed with the sun” when I have homework and deadlines, but I am working on being aware of when I need to go to bed a little earlier than usual these days. 

  • Create a new morning/evening routine. Right now I have barely any morning routine besides getting dressed and trying to make it to my 8:30 on time, but I want to have my routines reflect the season by adding some elements of grounding and reflection. In the morning I’m trying to not go on my phone in bed, and write down 3 things I am grateful for. In the evening I’m going to light my fall candle and try and read a few pages of my book instead of mindlessly scrolling on my phone. 

  • Deep clean! I think this is so important to do in between every season just to signal to yourself that we are in a new season. I’m talking about wiping down every surface, vacuum behind your shelves and under your bed, reorganizing your pantry and your closet. Refold your going out tops! :) 

I hope everyone has a fantastic fall and gets to wear cozy sweaters and drink so many pumpkin coffees. Love you guys! 

European Adventure Recommendations By: Casey Mueller

Whether you are studying abroad or traveling abroad with friends and family, this list of recommendations could be helpful for you! 

As I reflect on my time abroad, I remember the excitement of sitting down with my friends and planning each weekend. As fun as that is, I know the internet can be overwhelming with seemingly endless attractions to choose from in each country. Therefore, I compiled a list of experiences and links related to a few of the countries I visited while living in Europe. 


Boat Cruise,1

This boat cruise is totalllyyy worth every penny. You spend the whole day on the catamaran with a bunch of other people. They serve lunch included in your ticket along with drinks that you pay for on your own. The boat makes multiple stops along the way to different inlets on the water where you can get out to swim and cliff jump. This was the bluest water I’ve ever seen in my entire life. It was surreal. 

Golden Bay Beach

This is the perfect place for a beach day. It’s clean, is lively with other people, has a lookout point over the water, and has beautiful sunsets. There’s also a restaurant at the end of the beach so you don’t have to leave to get food or go to the bathroom. My friends and I spent about 10 hours here because we couldn’t get ourselves to leave. 

Cafe Del Mar 

This is a nightclub on the water and the dance floor had such a fun vibe!

Munich, Germany 

Oktoberfest/Springfest (depending on what month you’re in Munich) was such a great experience. Half of the fun was dressing up in the traditional dirndls. We rented ours for 2 days and it was such an easy process with great customer service. You just go in to pick out any colors you want and bring them back by the end of the weekend.

English Garden is Munich’s largest park and it is beautifully kept. There are so many patches of grass to hang out and the coolest part was seeing the Eisbach River surfing! Some of the greatest surfers in the world come here and there’s always crowds of people watching them.

Porto and Lisbon, Portugal 

Surf Lessons

The surf instructors were so patient and taught us how to safely surf. It was so much fun to do with our group of friends. 

Sunset Cruise

This sunset cruise was beautiful on the water and was full of other kids our age studying abroad from the states which made it even more fun. 

Praia De Carcavelos

This was the perfect beach to hang out at all day and had hundreds of colored umbrellas set up across the whole beach. There are also restaurants and concession stands lining the beach. 

Budapest, Hungary

Leo Rooftop

This rooftop restaurant overlooks the Danube River. This is cool because you can see an aerial view of Buda and Pest which were later united to become the city of Budapest. 

Danube River Cruise

This river cruise was one of the highlights of my time here. While on the river, the tour guide explains the history behind Budapest and points out special landmarks while they serve unlimited Prosecco. 

Lake Como, Italy 

Boat Cruise

This boat cruise in Lake Como was the most insane experience I had in Europe simply for the scenery. Since it’s a smaller boat, it was a private ride with 6 of us plus the captain who took us to all the infamous villas along the water including the ones where James Bond and Star Wars were filmed. 

Since most of the roads along the mountainside are narrow and steep, I recommend taking the streets by foot if you don’t need to walk far. You can see so many more things that way and meet the friendly people who live there. 

Dublin, Ireland 

Temple Bar

I also recommend spending time in some of the other small pubs. They’re all so fun because of how high energy and traditional they are. 

Guinness Storehouse Tour

This tour is definitely an excursion that you should block out multiple hours for. Since there are so many levels in the storehouse, we spent a lot of time here. Once you get to the top levels, there are multiple rooms with bars that people hang out in after they finish the tour. This was my favorite part because we got to 3D print a photo of ourselves in the foam of the Guinness. 

Nice, France 

Nice has so many restaurants on the rocky beach that are great for drinks, apps, and people watching. 

Castle Hill of Nice

This lookout point is free to access and has such a great view of the city and the water. It’s about a 25 minute walk up concrete stairs but it doesn't feel long because there’s lookout points along the way. 

Eze Village

This was what we did as a day trip from Nice one of the days. The village is so quaint and beautiful to walk through. We spent the whole day walking through the cobblestone pathways between buildings (not meant for cars so there’s only foot traffic). Once you reach the top, you see an amazing view of the coastline of Côte d’Azur and you’re surrounded by cacti and vibrant flowers.

Euro Tips By: Lucia Amat Ayala

Crossing the Atlantic to start a new life in the other side of the planet might sound scary (been there before). Different country, different language, different culture, different lifestyle. YES, it is a lot. And I’m SO PROUD of all of you who decided to jump into an adventure abroad (trust me; you are not ready for everything that’s to come). As a European international student myself, I thought I’d share some tips & tricks that will definitely boost your experience in the (clearly) best continent in the world.


PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE DO NOT take your semester abroad as a summer trip with friends. It's great to have your American support system close to you but try to absorb as much as possible from the locals. Try to disconnect from what you are used to and form new connections. We Europeans (especially southern Europeans) LOVE to talk and meet new people. There is nothing that makes an older person happier than a young unknown girl trying to strike up a conversation with them. AND EVEN MORE SO IF SHE IS FROM ANOTHER COUNTRY. Smile at people, say good morning to strangers on the street and introduce yourself to everyone who gives you good vibes (no, it's not weird for us). We are super welcoming and will always keep the new American in mind when making plans.


FORGET ABOUT WHAT’S ON THE INTERNET and TALK TO LOCALS. They will tell you about the REAL GOOD STUFF. Literally. Do whatever they recommend you to. Go to old pintoresque restaurants and places most tourists don’t know about. Simply try to get lost (thank me later).


GIRL, YOU ARE NOT IN OXFORD; YOU ARE IN EUROPE. This might sound too drastic but FORGET about Miami. Get INMERSED into your new reality, LISTEN to new perspectives and APPRECIATE the smallest moments of your new life. Yes, studying abroad is cool but if go a step further and make extra efforts in your daily life by putting yourself out there it’s going to be LIFECHANGING experience. You are young, fun and free, LIVE THIS EXPERIENCE TO THE FULLEST!


5 Things For Fall Self Care By: Carys Varga

As the school year continues on, so do the seasons. I think it is very important to remember to take time for yourself and slow down to relieve stress. Here are some of my favorite fall activities to help me feel at my best. 

1. Go to Butterfield Farms: 

I love this place. There are so many different options to choose from. They have apple cider, pumpkins, and caramel apples. Everything Fall you can imagine. This helps to get my mind off school especially when looking at all the amazing choices. I have a place like this in my hometown so it also gives me a little reminder of home. 

2. Fill out gratitude journal 

Sometimes when I have those days where I feel like everything is going wrong, I take the time to write down everything that is going right and everything in my life that I am thankful for. It helps to remind me that although today might suck to think about everything I have, and helps me to put life in perspective as well. 

3. Go on a walk 

Miami has so many amazing trails and paths to walk when you just need to clear your head. Going for a quick walk makes me feel so much better and gives my mind a boost. It allows me to clear all my thoughts and improves health as well. 

4. Call someone on the phone 

One of my favorite things to do when I am stressed out is to call someone. I always call my bestfriend or older sister or my mom. It helps to clear your own head and catch up with the person you are talking to. You are able to reconnect and engage in meaningful conversations. 

5. Listen to music, watch a show, do something that makes you happy What I have learned when I am stressed or having a bad day is to do something for five minutes that makes you happy. I normally listen to a couple songs, or recently have been watching Gilmore girls for the fall season. It really makes a difference and helps me get into a better mindset.

Invisible String By: Michaela Buck and Lydia Long


You are the company you keep; it is important we are surrounded by those we are proud to be associated with, who support our growth and do not try to stunt it. This is why whenever I have the opportunity to bring up my roommate, I am happy to brag. 

As I started my college experience, one of my favorite questions became, “Where’s Lydia?”, because everyone knew we always did everything together, even washing our faces before bed. The moment we met, we were considered a package deal. Not only did we live together, but we have the same major, share the same passions, and grew up in the same area with no clue of the other’s existence. It’s ironic that I strongly associate Lydia with my school life, when she’s been also heavily intertwined with my home one, unknowingly. We often reference the song “Invisible String” by Taylor Swift, because all along we were so connected, and didn’t meet until college, when we probably had in passing many times prior. All of this is to say that my life here in Oxford would not be nearly the same nor as comforting without Lydia by my side. I often find myself thinking about how grateful I am for her friendship, and how blessed I feel to be able to come home and have insightful, fulfilling conversations about serious social issues, with the same person I vent about trivial problems in my day to. 

What Lydia has taught me thus far, especially about being a friend, is the importance of loyalty, and how your life can change when you know someone really cares about your well-being and best interest. Even if Lydia and I get into a disagreement, we both know that regardless of the situation, hurting one another was never the intention, and to be so confident in this fact is rare. 

We have helped each other through homesickness, real sickness, boy drama, academic stress, and everything in between. There was not one moment of awkwardness when we moved in together, and this helped with acclimating to school so much, because even if I felt like the loneliest person in the world, I knew Lydia had my back. I know kind is a basic adjective, but I have never met someone who embodies the word more, as no one is more sincere than Lydia to every person she encounters. She truly helps me be a better person, and I think that is the purest form of friendship.

I hope that each of you has a person like this at Miami. A roommate, a classmate, a sister in Theta, whatever it may be; to have one individual you can rely on through anything, good or bad, is vital to easing some of the overwhelming aspects of college life, and I am appreciative to have found it the moment I moved into Dodds Hall. 


 I like to think I am a very intentional person when it comes to my relationships. When you invite someone into your life they should want to know and love you. It is important to be able to acknowledge who you want in your life and what they mean to you. When thinking about my experience in college, Michaela Buck is involved with almost all of them. We have been attached to each other since the day we moved in. One specific memory I think of often was a day during the second week of school my freshman year. I had a hard morning just feeling overwhelmed and homesick. I left for class and when I came back, there was a note on my bed from Michaela. This small gesture has stuck with me and is something I still have and look back on as a reminder as to what kind of friend I strive to be and what kind of person I am to others. Feeling reassured as a human by friends is crucial to having healthy relationships. Michaela teaches me to be kind and caring everyday. She also pushes me to be more outgoing and spontaneous, which is something I always struggle with. The right people will find you at the right time. Starting college, I could have never imagined the impact one person would have on my life in such a short period of time. I believe people enter your life for a reason. My college experience would not be the same without her or the friendships we have made together. She is everything you want and need in a friend. I could honestly talk about her and the impact she has had on me all day, which I know I am so lucky to have. I hope you all find someone like Michaela and tell them how much they mean to you. 


Overall, it is vital for the people in your circle to be adding to your experiences, not taking away. Anything that another person brings to your life, whether that be a friend, boyfriend, sibling, etc., should be extra. We should all feel whole on our own, and the people in our life should enhance this confidence and your experiences. Friendships that last are reciprocal, and you should be gaining from it as much as you’re giving. An example might be talking about certain difficulties in your life while confiding in a friend, and then similarly, giving this listening ear to them when they feel the need to rant. If you’re constantly being generous with your time and energy with no effort in return, you will find yourself feeling burnt out and unfulfilled. Find those people who will build you up when you don’t feel 100% a certain day, and do the same for them when you notice they might be feeling off. We have both had to be the one to pick each other up, but it feels good when someone cares enough to make sure you’re okay. Another thing that allows us to connect is how we decide to live morally. Since we align on a lot of deeper ideals, it is easy to want to be around someone who shares a similar perspective, and how we choose to act on these views. In the past, we have both had friends who have gone against what we preach in our personal life, so being able to have conversations that surpass the surface level is extremely important. Life is better with friends, but make sure you have the right ones around you, with genuine intentions for your well-being.

Special shoutout you two- our first ever sister blog. TLAM oxox

The Art of Noticing By: Katelyn Root

I’m not sure about you, but my whole TikTok right now is full of “The Art of Noticing” videos (probably because I always interact with them). If you haven’t seen them, they are essentially montages of simple clips - such as waves turning, a candle burning, people dancing, or sun coming through the window. Even though these are not my own videos, I have found a sense of peace in watching them. I came across a paragraph that perfectly puts the way I feel from these videos into words: 

“Love is the most infinite and effortless presence in this world. It’s found in the tiny crevices of human nature - in the way the flowers bloom and in the way birds always have enough to eat. It’s in hospital rooms, grocery stores, in home cooked meals, and in the smiles of passing strangers. Love is in the music you listen to, and in the jokes you make, and in the way you return home for the holidays. Love is in the ‘are you ok’ and ‘get home safe’ and ‘did you have enough to eat.’ Love is in the way your heart beats everyday and how your body wakes up every morning and how your soul continues to exist so freely.”

I think the reason I love this trend and this specific paragraph is because it proves the importance of living in the opposite of hustle culture. In today’s world, there is so much pulling at our attention - social media, school, work, social commitments, etc. We become so busy that we often miss the love and joy that is right around us.

The cool thing about the Art of Noticing is it doesn’t have to be any grand gesture or event. Love can be in complimenting a stranger, in letting friends borrow your clothes, in noticing how the rain makes the plants more lively. Joy can be in trying a new recipe that turns out well, noticing you got a better night of sleep than the night before, or having a workout that leaves you feeling amazing. It doesn’t even have to be something that happens directly to you - it could be noticing the love you see between two friends walking to class together, or someone offering up a charger to another in class. The other day at Kofenya, a simple note I noticed on the wall, “Take care of yourself kid” had the ability to turn my day around simply because I gave my full attention and awareness to it. Yesterday, the shadow of my coffee steaming reflected onto the wall from the sun in the morning.

When I am stressed or anxious about the future, the Art of Noticing has helped me tremendously. When we consciously notice the small things, we are given a new perspective to live where our feet are, to be thankful for where we are right now, and to appreciate what is happening as it is unfolding. When you intentionally look for it, you will notice that love and joy really is all around you (I promise)! 

Surround Yourself With Authenticity By: Brigid Costello

I’ve always prioritized and valued the friendships in my life more than anything and they are usually my biggest source of support. I think the people you choose to surround yourself with have a huge impact on your emotional well-being.

I wish I could say every friendship I’ve ever had has been a positive experience but I don’t think that is a reality anyone has lived. It is inevitable that you will come across people who just don’t have your best interest at heart. Dealing with these types of people can be hell in the moment and wreak havoc on your self-worth and mental health. I think it is important to look at what you can learn from these experiences because it has undoubtedly led me to surround myself with even more genuine friendships and appreciate those special people in my life even more.

So, I thought I’d share some things I keep in mind when choosing who to surround myself with

A true friend would not rip your energy down the second you walk in a room. You should never have to question whether your presence is valued anywhere. You shouldn’t have to worry if their words are malicious behind your back. You should be able to trust their opinion without hoping their answer is not out of ill intent. They should never make you feel as though you have something to prove. There is a difference between those who call you a friend and those who truly are a friend to you and it’s important to be able to differentiate between the two.

Dealing with the bad makes you appreciate the good 1000x times more, so I think it is important to take notice of the people who make you feel your best. The friends who you can ugly cry in front of. The ones who make the grocery store fun. “Let’s go on a walk” friends. Friends who remind you that you are not alone. Friends who do not judge you on your bad days. Friends who get excited about your success just as much as you. Direct communicators. Enthusiastic listeners. Gentle souls. The effortlessly funny. The endlessly kind. 

Find people who are better than you in this way - more kind, generous, and forgiving, and appreciate them for what they can teach you. Listen to them when they tell you something about yourself, no matter how good or bad it may be, and trust them. That is where I find my best friendships. And I’m so thankful to be able to say every girl I have met thus far in theta has embodied everything I seek out in my friendships.

Remember to hold these special people close and make sure they know you love them.

Beauty Beyond The Scale By: Erin Gorney

**content warning: discussion of eating disorders**

“Don’t waste your time, don’t waste your life’s purpose worrying about your body. This is your vessel, it's your house, it's where you live.” - Emma Thompson 

When I heard these words come across a random video on my TikTok for you page, I felt a sense of relief. This put everything I had ever learned about body image into a simple message. 

With summer approaching, I wanted to write about a topic that really hits home for me, yet still receives a lot of stigma : eating disorders. 

Growing up a gymnast, I was involved in sports really early on. Don’t get me wrong, I loved gymnastics. I also loved coming home from school to tell my dad that I beat the boys during the pacer test. I loved feeling strong, healthy, and competitive. 

During my health class in seventh grade, we watched “Super Size Me”. This film follows a man who ate only McDonald’s for a month. It went into detail about the side effects he experienced, etc. 

Why was this shown to 12 year olds? I will never be able to answer that. It also did not help that we were asked to log our meals and submit pictures of them. Then, we began learning about various eating disorders in a textbook. We would read these sections outloud to the class. I began thinking about food and body image in unhealthy ways.

At first, I began trying to eat healthier, but it turned into an obsession quickly. What I deemed as “healthy eating” turned into a pattern of restricting more and more everyday. I tried to hide it from everyone, and I did for a while. I felt like I was doing the right thing, even though I barely had enough energy to get through the day. 

Eventually, my family and friends caught onto what I was struggling with and I was diagnosed with Anorexia that winter. Now, it aches me to even think about someone so young having to deal with something so complex. 

Recovery was far from linear and by the time I was a freshman in high school, I was hospitalized. I had never felt so alone in my life. It’s crazy what eating disorders can do to you - even when I sat in a wheelchair with a feeding tube up my nose, I still had no desire to get better. Even when I had to be rushed to the ER for low blood sugar, I didn't think my disorder was that bad. Even when my life was so out of control, I thought I was so in control. 

The hardest pill I had to swallow: I was the only one who could make my life better. Once I fully committed to getting better myself, that's when progress happened. After lots of hard work, I was much better by my junior year of high school. However, I missed all the academic credits from my freshman year and had to take extra classes in order to graduate on time. Although I wish I could go back in time and tell that girl, struggling to eat the meal in front of her, how beautiful she was inside and out, I believe my recovery taught me some of the biggest life lessons so early on. 

I hope to share my story as one of hope. At the time of my struggles, I wished someone understood how hard it was to get better, and I hope to be that voice of validation for someone. I also hope to demonstrate the importance of getting better for yourself and treating your mind and body with the love it deserves. There is so much more to this life than getting caught up in the way we look and there are so many more interesting things about you than the number on the scale. 

Although uncomfortable, these kinds of conversations need to be made. We all go through challenges in our life and I hope this serves as a reminder that these times are also when we grow the most.  If you're going through anything similar or just want to talk, please reach out to me - 847-404-3926 :) “This too shall pass.” 

 - Erin ♡ 

Authenticity's Guide To Happiness By: Elli Freeman

I think at some point in everyone’s lives we’ve just strived for happiness. How unattainable is that though? Happy is a feeling, not a place, or a state of being. It’s a feeling that comes and goes. For years I felt like happiness was a kite attached to the longest string and I couldn’t get to it. I couldn’t climb the rope and avoid the gusts of wind that kept it from landing back to me. Last summer when it felt like my kite of happiness wasn’t even attached to a string anymore I was asked to shift my perspective. Someone asked me “ Well how will you know you’re finally happy?”. I was flabbergasted. I always thought once I fell in love and had my dream wedding where we had funnel cakes at the dessert buffet would be me finally being “happy”. I thought when I’m not in college anymore I’ll be “happy”. So why was I waiting for something to happen for me to finally be “happy”. 

So after about three minutes of coming to terms that the Gucci Jackie Bag won’t help me reach Nirvana I responded with “ I’ll be my authentic self.” I’ll be happy when I’m my authentic self. Could someone have told me that a little earlier in life. I’m not saying that this cured my years of depression and anxiety but we’re coming up on a year now of that realization and life has been a little sweeter since. 

I was living a life for what I thought I wanted and needed to be. It came down to radical acceptance of who I really was. I was never going to love partying, and after realizing I chose a pretty big party and going out school, that was a hard pill to swallow. I’ll never like country music or any form of rap no matter how hard I try. I love staying in and looking fomo in the eye. I love loafers and frank sinatra and being an old soul. Once I started making choices from what I authentically wanted and valued I found that “happiness” I had been craving. Taking the pressure of others and expectations off and authentically taking everything day by day is so much more sustainable. Life is draining, so give yourself grace to find what recharges you.  I love nothing more than having deep convos, getting dressed up, and going for hot girl walks, but sometimes that has to be balanced out by me putting on matching pajamas, watching architectural digest, and chewing cotton candy hubba bubba. It’s a balance one might say, and the choice is always yours. 

As I wrap up my last blog post as a teen and head into my 20’s so soon I want to reiterate that this was a year of the lowest of lows and the absolute highest of highs. Happiness isn’t supposed to be a 24/7 place of existence. It comes and goes and is rewarded when you choose to be your most authentic self. So cheers to you, the person you’re becoming, and the kite you’ve always had control of flying. 

Books You Should Read This Summer By: Claire Folkins

Although it hurts me to admit it, summer is right around the corner. Personally, I am most excited to be able to read in the sun every day, without the thoughts of assignments I have due in the back of my mind. This summer I’m making it my goal to read 15 books, and with that I wanted to share some of my favorite books from the past year that I think you should read this summer. 

The One Hundred Years of Lenni and Margot, by Marianna Cronin

This was a quick read for me, but I was still sobbing at the end. It focuses on the friendship between a teenager and elderly woman who met in the cancer wing of the hospital. This book was so heartwarming and I physically couldn’t put it down until I finished it. 

One Night on the Island, by Josie Silver

Probably my #1 book from 2022. The main character goes to a cabin on a teeny island in Ireland to do some soul searching and to “marry herself” for her blog. It's all about finding yourself, loving yourself and following your dreams. There is also a great love story in this book which just makes it even better IMO. 

Everything I Know About Love, by Dolly Alderton

A memoir about Dolly’s entire life, specifically her 20s, that shows her struggles and accomplishments. I loved this book so much I made both of my sisters read it. She talks about comparing herself to others, her journey with first seeing a therapist, and her love life. I seriously think every girl in college should read this book 

Love and Other Words, by Christina Lauren

This story follows two best friends throughout their whole lives, bouncing between stories from the past and the present. I fell in love with both of the main characters, and their love of books. I think I read this book in two days and then passed it around to all of my girlfriends over the summer. The love story is so amazing and complicated and heartwarming. This is probably my favorite love story book I’ve ever read. 

The Power of Now, by Eckhart Tolle

This book is the first “self-help” ish book I have read that I actually enjoyed. I simply could not put this book down. It’s all about learning to not let your thoughts control you, and enjoying exactly where you are in the moment. I am definitely going to reread this book this summer, and I think everyone should read it multiple times in their lives. 

I hope you guys love these reads as much as I do and please friend me on goodreads!!!! <333

A Thank You Letter to My Midwest Girls By: Kelly Greiner

Dear Midwest girls, 

I often receive the question “You are from New Jersey? How did you end up in Ohio for school?” and I sometimes do find it a little strange myself that I chose a small town nestled in the middle of so much corn. But I couldn't be happier with my decision, and that's thanks to my awesome midwestern girls. Thank you, girls. 

Don't get me wrong I love Oxford itself, but it wouldn't be half as fun if I couldn't experience it with the group of girls I get to call my best friends. Not only do we have fun together, sometimes a little too much fun, but I constantly feel loved and supported by them. This past weekend was our Theta moms weekend, a weekend I struggle with because my mom passed away when I was younger. Yet, each one of my friends and their moms, although not biological, made me feel like I had a mom here. I couldn't be more grateful for the times my friends and their families welcomed me into their homes, gave me rides, provided me with a meal, etc. Again this is all because I met the most compassionate group of girls in Ox. Thank you, girls. 

Because of my Midwest girls, I can say Ohio is a home away from home. It's kinda strange to feel like you have a whole different life at college, me especially being from New Jersey, but it makes my time in Ox with them that much more exciting. There is no one else I'd rather rot in the CJ's basement with at scary hours of the night. Lmao, thank you, girls. 

True friends are there for you no matter what, they cheer you on, are happy for your success, hug you when you cry, check in on you, listen to your hungover rants, and laugh off the hangiexty… I am so unbelievably grateful I found all these things with my midwestern girls. Thank you a million times to you for making my college experience all that it is. 

Next year is our last year at Miami, scary but reality. Sometimes I worry about going our separate ways once we graduate, but I've come to realize that's ok because it means I have best friends all over the map(some would say different hoes in different area codes). So proud of how far each one of them has come and I'm so happy we are all doing it together. Couldn't be more excited to take on our senior year together, more importantly, the rest of our lives. 

Thank you, thank you, thank you my midwest girls

Love you always xoxo, 
