Euro Tips By: Lucia Amat Ayala

Crossing the Atlantic to start a new life in the other side of the planet might sound scary (been there before). Different country, different language, different culture, different lifestyle. YES, it is a lot. And I’m SO PROUD of all of you who decided to jump into an adventure abroad (trust me; you are not ready for everything that’s to come). As a European international student myself, I thought I’d share some tips & tricks that will definitely boost your experience in the (clearly) best continent in the world.


PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE DO NOT take your semester abroad as a summer trip with friends. It's great to have your American support system close to you but try to absorb as much as possible from the locals. Try to disconnect from what you are used to and form new connections. We Europeans (especially southern Europeans) LOVE to talk and meet new people. There is nothing that makes an older person happier than a young unknown girl trying to strike up a conversation with them. AND EVEN MORE SO IF SHE IS FROM ANOTHER COUNTRY. Smile at people, say good morning to strangers on the street and introduce yourself to everyone who gives you good vibes (no, it's not weird for us). We are super welcoming and will always keep the new American in mind when making plans.


FORGET ABOUT WHAT’S ON THE INTERNET and TALK TO LOCALS. They will tell you about the REAL GOOD STUFF. Literally. Do whatever they recommend you to. Go to old pintoresque restaurants and places most tourists don’t know about. Simply try to get lost (thank me later).


GIRL, YOU ARE NOT IN OXFORD; YOU ARE IN EUROPE. This might sound too drastic but FORGET about Miami. Get INMERSED into your new reality, LISTEN to new perspectives and APPRECIATE the smallest moments of your new life. Yes, studying abroad is cool but if go a step further and make extra efforts in your daily life by putting yourself out there it’s going to be LIFECHANGING experience. You are young, fun and free, LIVE THIS EXPERIENCE TO THE FULLEST!