Hot Take - Thanksgiving is the Coolest Holiday By: Claire Fink 

  1. “We’re just gonna watch football, drink beer, and then we’re going to Best Buy later for Black Friday.” - New Girl, 2011.

  • This is one of my favorite New Girl Quotes there is. There is something about the simplicity of Thanksgiving that strikes me as nothing short of pure. This holiday can be spent with a beer in hand, staring out the window looking at the leaves with football on in the background, or mobbing the mall with your family for black Friday at midnight; but the catch is WHO you are spending this day with that makes it so meaningful. I consider Thanksgiving to be the one day of the year where the world just pauses. The stress of work, school, family, and life all pause and come to a complete stop. It is a day dedicated to opening your mind and heart up to appreciating who you spend your time with and why you choose to. Give me a beer, a football that I will probably throw incorrectly, some good mash potatoes, all of my cousins, aunts and uncles, grandparents, siblings, parents, and my dog; and I would never need anything more. 

  1. "Once, there was this day where everybody seemed to know they needed each other... This one day when they knew for certain they couldn't do it alone." - Pieces of April, 2003.

  • If you can’t already tell, I am a quote junkie and this is another one of my favorites. I would argue that you cannot do anything alone. Our primary motives can benefit us as individuals, but the long term motives are typically for the greater good even though we do not realize it. Looking at some of your greatest successes, would you have been able to achieve them if you had ZERO support from the people around you? My personal answer is absolutely not. I am an individual through and through, but I lean on my family and my friends to enable myself to be the individual that I am. This day, Thanksgiving, is when you realize how much you lean on those around you. You realize how much you need others to be you. You realize that you cannot do it alone! 

An ode to Thanksgiving being the coolest holiday: consisting of coffee, November, friends, family, cooler air, pausing the world, and some good 90s grunge music.