Surround Yourself With Authenticity By: Brigid Costello

I’ve always prioritized and valued the friendships in my life more than anything and they are usually my biggest source of support. I think the people you choose to surround yourself with have a huge impact on your emotional well-being.

I wish I could say every friendship I’ve ever had has been a positive experience but I don’t think that is a reality anyone has lived. It is inevitable that you will come across people who just don’t have your best interest at heart. Dealing with these types of people can be hell in the moment and wreak havoc on your self-worth and mental health. I think it is important to look at what you can learn from these experiences because it has undoubtedly led me to surround myself with even more genuine friendships and appreciate those special people in my life even more.

So, I thought I’d share some things I keep in mind when choosing who to surround myself with

A true friend would not rip your energy down the second you walk in a room. You should never have to question whether your presence is valued anywhere. You shouldn’t have to worry if their words are malicious behind your back. You should be able to trust their opinion without hoping their answer is not out of ill intent. They should never make you feel as though you have something to prove. There is a difference between those who call you a friend and those who truly are a friend to you and it’s important to be able to differentiate between the two.

Dealing with the bad makes you appreciate the good 1000x times more, so I think it is important to take notice of the people who make you feel your best. The friends who you can ugly cry in front of. The ones who make the grocery store fun. “Let’s go on a walk” friends. Friends who remind you that you are not alone. Friends who do not judge you on your bad days. Friends who get excited about your success just as much as you. Direct communicators. Enthusiastic listeners. Gentle souls. The effortlessly funny. The endlessly kind. 

Find people who are better than you in this way - more kind, generous, and forgiving, and appreciate them for what they can teach you. Listen to them when they tell you something about yourself, no matter how good or bad it may be, and trust them. That is where I find my best friendships. And I’m so thankful to be able to say every girl I have met thus far in theta has embodied everything I seek out in my friendships.

Remember to hold these special people close and make sure they know you love them.